Your car depends on the proper performance of a variety of parts. However, almost no car part is more vital to the continued functioning of your vehicle than your transmission. When your transmission malfunctions, your car can experience several serious issues, including a loss of power, lower fuel efficiency, and strange noises or smells coming from under the hood.
Because your transmission is such a crucial part of your vehicle, it’s a good idea to learn about some of the different maintenance tasks you may need to schedule for this part of your drive-train. Read about common transmission maintenance tasks and find out why you should always schedule repairs from an experienced transmission shop.
Diagnosing Your Issue
When your transmission runs into a problem, it’s important to quickly diagnose the issue, which is why you need to visit a knowledgeable mechanic. Your transmission repair professional will be able to perform a computer diagnostic test to see if your transmission is malfunctioning because of a problem with the control system. If your control system isn’t the issue, your mechanic will check your transmission’s electrical component.
Whatever issue your transmission is experiencing, your mechanic should be able to detect it quickly so that you can get back on the road.
Flushing Your Transmission
While it’s possible that your transmission isn’t working properly because of serious damage, you may be able to restore your car with a simple transmission flush. Although a transmission flush can be somewhat time consuming, it’s also a great way to fix many transmission issues.
When you flush your transmission, you are working to remove the sludge and grime that may be interfering with your transmission’s proper functioning. The first step of the flushing process is removing your old oil. Next, fresh oil and cleaning solution will be run through the transmission to flush out the dirt and debris. Finally, new oil will be added to your transmission.
Fluid Change
Most people don’t think about their transmission until there is a serious issue. However, if you want to keep your vehicle running the way you need, it’s crucial to schedule regular transmission maintenance, including fluid changes.
Generally, your vehicle’s manufacturer will provide recommendations for regular fluid changes and filter replacements for your transmission. Your transmission shop will reference this guide to make sure that your fluid is changed the right way. While a transmission fluid change is a relatively simple procedure, it should always be handled by a professional, as a mistake may require having your transmission rebuilt.
Schedule Service at a Transmission Repair Shop
If you always want your car to run the way that you need, then you need to make sure to maintain your transmission. As you can see, there are a variety of transmission maintenance tasks and repairs you may need to schedule. The best way to address problems with your transmission is scheduling service from an experienced transmission shop like R&R Auto Shop.
R&R Auto Shop provides a diverse amount of car services, including transmission repair, car tune-ups, and brake service. Working with us means keeping your vehicle on the road for years to come. Contact us today to set up an appointment!